Life: A Smoke-Filled Room

Heather Giselle Koh
2 min readJun 18, 2024


You know, lately I’ve been thinking a lot about life, and it feels like a room filled with smoke. Have you ever felt that way? Like, the longer you stay in this room, the harder it gets to breathe. It’s like every breath you take is filling your lungs with something toxic. But the weird thing is, if you try to hold your breath, you die. It’s like you’re stuck in this impossible situation where you have to keep breathing in what’s slowly killing you.

I used to tell myself that the problem was we didn’t know where the exit was. But now, I think we do. We know there’s a door somewhere in this room. But this room is all we’ve ever known. It’s our whole world. The idea of stepping through that door, even though it might lead to fresh air, is terrifying because it means leaving behind everything familiar.

Maybe it’s not dying that scares us. Maybe it’s living that we’re afraid of. Taking that first step to find peace means facing a lot of unknowns. And that’s frightening. We cling to the smoke because it’s what we know, even though it’s hurting us.

Isn’t it strange how we accept the smoke without question? There’s no fire and we never ask why it’s there or if it has to be this way. Humans are weird, aren’t they? We adapt to the discomfort and call it normal. We learn to live in a haze because it’s easier than confronting what lies beyond that door.

But what if we could find the courage to step out? What if, despite the fear and uncertainty, we decided to open that door? It’s a comforting thought, isn’t it? To imagine a world where we could breathe freely. Where the air is clear.

Life can be overwhelming. It can feel suffocating. But we’re resilient. We have this incredible capacity to endure, to keep going even when it feels like we can’t. And maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to clear the smoke. It might not happen all at once. It might be one small step at a time. But each step brings us closer to the door, closer to that fresh air.

And so, we carry on. We breathe, we endure, and we hope. We hope that one day, we’ll find the strength to open that door and step into the unknown. Because even though it’s scary, the thought of a life without smoke is worth it. It’s worth the fear and the struggle. It’s worth everything.



Heather Giselle Koh

The way I see is that... If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change you.