Heather Giselle KohThings I Couldn’t Say“I love you” — three simple words, yet they felt so heavy. Growing up in an Asian household, we didn’t really say those things out loud…Dec 2, 2024Dec 2, 2024
Heather Giselle KohWhen I Am HurtWhen I am hurt, words seem to find me more easily. Pain, in its raw, unfiltered form, pushes me to write. It’s as if the hurt sharpens my…Jun 30, 20241Jun 30, 20241
Heather Giselle KohWhen Best Is Not EnoughSometimes, I wonder if it’s just me. If it’s my fault, my doing, my undoing. I find myself caught in this whirlpool of doubt, questioning…May 15, 2024May 15, 2024
Heather Giselle KohThe Girl Who Wanted EverthingSimply an overachiever, 24 hours was never enough for her and I don’t think it will ever be. She was always on the go, always reaching for…Jun 14, 2024Jun 14, 2024
Heather Giselle KohI Am Still HerI’m still here, holding on to the little kid inside me. You know, the one who giggles and makes odd little sounds when excitement bubbles…Feb 27, 20246Feb 27, 20246
Heather Giselle KohThe Unspoken ChapterEverybody has a chapter they don’t read out loud, a collection of moments tucked away in the corners of their hearts, kept hidden from the…Feb 23, 2024Feb 23, 2024
Heather Giselle KohWelcome to a chapter of my life: PeaceThis chapter of my life is titled “Peace.” It marks a profound shift as I learn to accept myself unconditionally — embracing my flaws…Jul 23, 2023Jul 23, 2023
Heather Giselle KohRegrets: If I Had A ChanceUnder the luminescent embrace of the moonlight, the celestial canopy above adorned with a profusion of stars that gleamed like scattered…Aug 10, 2023Aug 10, 2023
Heather Giselle KohMy childhood dream: If I Were A KingIn the realm of my childhood dreams, as a king, I would decree that all subjects retire to their beds at the enchanting hour of 10 o’clock…Aug 15, 2023Aug 15, 2023
Heather Giselle KohPsychology: How It Became My MuseIn the vast tapestry of life, there are certain threads that, once woven, leave an indelible mark on our journey. For me, one such thread…Aug 21, 2023Aug 21, 2023
Heather Giselle KohMood: Why I Love The RainThe pitter-patter of raindrops against the windowpane orchestrates a symphony that resonates with my soul. In a world where the pace of…Aug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
Heather Giselle KohMy Motto: When Life Give You Lemons, Turn Them Into Paper CranesIn the realm of symbolic wisdom, a timeless adage urges us to transform life’s sour challenges into sweet victories: “When life gives you…Sep 22, 2023Sep 22, 2023
Heather Giselle KohMy Biggest Motivation: Not Working A Nine To FiveIn a world that often celebrates the conventional path of working nine to five, my biggest motivation lies in carving out a different…Sep 29, 20231Sep 29, 20231
Heather Giselle KohSelf Doubt: If You Can’t Hear The Melody, Sing ItIn the tapestry of existence, where the threads of destiny are woven, sometimes the path ahead isn’t clearly defined. There are times when…Oct 9, 2023Oct 9, 2023
Heather Giselle KohDrifting apart: My Childhood Best FriendAs the years passed, life continued to take us in different directions, and the distance between us grew both physically and emotionally…Oct 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023
Heather Giselle KohHabits: I Am Used To ItWe are creatures of habit. We find solace in the patterns of our lives, in the routines we create, and in the expectations we form. I am…Oct 28, 2023Oct 28, 2023
Heather Giselle KohGreed: The Seven Deadly SinsThere are a total of seven deadly sins in the world — pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They’ve been the subject of…Nov 10, 2023Nov 10, 2023
Heather Giselle KohBreath: Close Your EyesClose your eyes. Yes, right now. I say close your eyes not to shut out the world but to open up a new perspective. Most of us can’t see…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
Heather Giselle KohMy Love Language: Let Me Help You Name The CloudsUnder the expanse of the azure sky, where the vastness of blue stretches beyond our wildest dreams, I find solace. It’s in those moments…Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023