Poem: The Trigger

Heather Giselle Koh
2 min readNov 13, 2023


It’s not your fault that you pulled the trigger

You are not wrong for calling it a day

Nobody is

If giving up was like an emergency lever that was by our side

None of us would be here right now

Because I can assure you, that most of us have already pulled it

It’s tough to go down a road with no promises

But it’s not good to be fixated on promises either

Because most promises are hollow

Empty vessels with empty promises, created by empty souls

You might also be empty

But you can change that

Currently, your glass is half empty but what if I tell you that it is half full

Will you believe it?

Will you trust me?

Am I wrong?

Because you are not wrong either

You are not wrong for pulling that trigger

But what if you didn’t?

What if the trigger was never there?

What if people would never stare?

Would you still be in the same moment, at the same time, fixated on lies

Unable to stop time, rethinking reality and giving it another try

I know it might not be the right time to say this line

But your simile was the brightest of all time

when that trigger wasn’t by your side

I can’t help but miss the person you used to be and

Now that you have pulled the trigger, what has changed?

Are you happier, Are you free, Do you regret your decisions?

If that, I won’t judge you but if not why you did it?

Why did you pull it?

So, put it down and give life another shot.



Heather Giselle Koh

The way I see is that... If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change you.