The Girl Who Wanted Everthing

Heather Giselle Koh
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Simply an overachiever, 24 hours was never enough for her and I don’t think it will ever be. She was always on the go, always reaching for something just out of reach. Every moment was filled with purpose, every second counted, but still, she felt like she was running out of time.

I watched her, admired her drive, her passion. She had dreams, big ones. She wanted to be everything, do everything, and see everything. Her eyes sparkled with ambition, her heart beat with determination. But sometimes, late at night, when the world was quiet and still, I saw the weight she carried.

She smiled through the exhaustion, laughed off the stress. But her eyes, they told a different story. They held a depth of sorrow, a hint of fear. The fear of not being enough, not doing enough. She hid it well, buried it beneath layers of achievements and accolades. But I could see it. I could feel it.

She pushed herself hard, too hard sometimes. I watched as she worked late into the night, her desk cluttered with papers and books, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas. She was relentless, unyielding. She never stopped, never slowed down. It was like she was chasing something, something she couldn’t quite catch.

I worried about her. I worried that she would burn out, that she would lose herself in the pursuit of perfection. I wanted to tell her to slow down, to take a breath, to just be. But I knew she wouldn’t listen. She couldn’t. This was who she was, who she had always been.

There were moments, though, when I saw a glimpse of the girl she used to be. The girl who laughed freely, who found joy in the little things. The girl who wasn’t afraid to dream, but didn’t let those dreams consume her. She was still there, somewhere beneath the surface, hidden behind the mask of the overachiever.

I remember one evening, sitting by the window, watching the sunset. For a moment, she was quiet, her mind still. “Do you ever feel like you’re missing something?” she asked.

She sighed, her shoulders sagging. “I don’t know. Sometimes, I feel like I’m running in circles, like no matter how much I do, it’s never enough. I’m always reaching for something more, but I don’t even know what it is.”

I didn’t know what to say. We sat there for a long time, watching the sky change colors, the sun dipping below the horizon. It was a rare moment of peace and in that moment.

The girl who wanted everything was also the girl who had everything she needed, right there inside her. And that, I realized, was the most beautiful thing of all.



Heather Giselle Koh

The way I see is that... If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change you.