When I Am Hurt

Heather Giselle Koh
2 min read6 days ago


When I am hurt, words seem to find me more easily. Pain, in its raw, unfiltered form, pushes me to write. It’s as if the hurt sharpens my mind and directs my thoughts onto the page. When the world feels heavy, and there is no one around who will listen, I turn to writing. Each word, each sentence, flows naturally, capturing the essence of my pain with a clarity that is both painful and comforting.

In these moments, my pen becomes my voice, speaking the truths I struggle to express out loud. The act of writing becomes a release, a way to empty my heart of its burdens. As the ink stains the paper, my emotions, once bottled up and tangled, unravel and lay bare. The pain, which seemed so overwhelming, begins to take shape, to make sense.

The process is not just about describing the hurt but also about acknowledging it, giving it a place to exist outside of me. It’s a quiet onversation with myself, where I can be honest without fear of judgment. Through this, I find a strange sense of comfort. Writing doesn’t take the pain away, but it lessens its grip on my heart.

When the page is filled, I sit back and breathe a little easier. The heavy weight on my shoulders feels lighter, as if some of it has been transferred to the paper. The hurt is still there, but it’s no longer suffocating.

In the quiet moments, when the world fades away and it’s just me and my thoughts, I find a strange kind of peace. My words, born from pain, offer me a way to cope, to understand, and to move forward. And in the end, writing becomes a reminder that even in my darkest moments, I can find a way to keep going.



Heather Giselle Koh

The way I see is that... If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change you.